Today is the day when some blog updates were made. Now everyone is welcome to try a sudoku game. You may find this game a bit below, on the right side of the blog.
Sudoku requires no calculation or arithmetic skills. It is essentially a game of placing numbers in squares, using very simple rules of logic and deduction. It can be played by children and adults and the rules are simple to learn.
Sudoku ObjectiveThe objective of the game is to fill all the blank squares in a game with the correct numbers. There are three very simple constraints to follow. In a 9 by 9 square Sudoku game:
- Every row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order
- Every column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order
- Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9
Similarly, smaller Sudoku puzzles, such as the 4x4 puzzle, must have the numerals 1 through 4 in each row, column and subsection. Larger Sudoku games (16 by 16) must have numerals 1 through 16 in each row, column and region. The principles are the same whatever the size of the game.
Every Sudoku games begins with a number of squares already filled in, and the difficulty of each game is largely a function of how many squares are filled in. The more squares that are known, the easier it is to figure out which numbers go in the open squares. As you fill in squares correctly, options for the remaining squares are narrowed and it becomes easier to fill them in. The Sudoku games on let you check your progress as you go, to help prevent going down a wrong path.
More abou this game at: wikipedia
One more update
It is that from now everyone will be able to see recent blog comments, on the right side of the blog, no need to check again every post, story.
That's it for this time :)
Sudoku (jap. 数独 = sūdoku) – galvosūkiai, kuriuose reikia surasti ir įrašyti skaitmenis nuo 1 iki 9 taip, kad skaitmenys nesikartotų eilutėse, stulpeliuose bei paryškintuose 9 langelių (3×3) kvadratuose. Dažniausiai sudoku sprendžiami 9 eilučių ir stulpelių galvosūkiai, kuriuose įrašyta keletas pradinių skaitmenų. Sudoku paplito Japonijoje 1986 metais, o 2005 metais pasidarė populiarūs kitose šalyse.
Žodis Sudoku, kilęs iš japonų kalbos, reiškia „vienintelis skaičius“. Pagal susitarimą galvosūkiuose naudojami skaitmenys, tačiau matematiniai ryšiai čia nėra svarbūs, taigi galimi galvosūkio variantai naudojant kitus simbolius, pavyzdžiui, abėcėlės raides ar spalvas.
Priklausomai nuo pradinių įrašytų skaitmenų, galvosūkiai gali būti skirstomi pagal sudėtingumą.
Plačiau: wikipedia
oho!!!! sitiek naujienu vienu metu!!!
turiu pripazinti, jog niekada pati nesprendziau sudoku.. o kaip tu?
nezinau, kas man nutiko - taip nesinori komentuoti angliskai..
as tiesa sakant irgi nesprendziau :)Nors maciau, kad nemazai zmoniu juos pasprendzia 15-oje minuciu..
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