Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Today, after some time, I log into blogger.com and I see some nice and interesnting things. Maybe the most useful of them is that the administrating panel is now in Lithuanian language. Also the home page blogger.com is in Lithuanian. I would say quite a nice a job from blogger team.
Now the use of blogger.com is a bit easier. But ofcourse it is like a new experience to get used to new represenatation of all buttons and links and so on...

* Blogger sistemoje kaip galima suprasti įdiegta ir lietuvių kalba. Prisijungus prie administravimo paneles galima matyti viską lietuviškai. Taip pat ir startinis blogger.com puslapis gali būti matomas lietuvių kalba. Gal visai ir neprastas atnaujinimas.:)

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