Some interesting figures about mobile TV viewers. According slashphone, Asia-Pacific is leading the adoption of mobile TV broadcasting. About 38 million viewers - almost 78 percent of the total mobile TV audience - was found in Japan and South Korea in mid-2007. These markets are several years ahead of Europe and North America where the development in most cases has been very slow.
The significant costs involved in establishing the infrastructure needed for dedicated mobile broadcast networks is expected to hold back large-scale launching of these in the greater part of Europe for a few more years. The report plays down the relevance of the current mobile TV standards war, predicting that multi-standard handsets and chips will eventually reduce choice of underlying network to a technical consideration only concerning the manufacturers and network operators.
The significant costs involved in establishing the infrastructure needed for dedicated mobile broadcast networks is expected to hold back large-scale launching of these in the greater part of Europe for a few more years. The report plays down the relevance of the current mobile TV standards war, predicting that multi-standard handsets and chips will eventually reduce choice of underlying network to a technical consideration only concerning the manufacturers and network operators.
*Mobiliosios televizijos žiūrovai
Pasak slashphone Azijos-Ramiojo vandenymo ragionas pirmauja mobiliosios televizijos žiūrovų skaičiumi. Apie 38 mln. žiūrovų, apie 78 procentai auditorijos, priskaičiuojama Japonijos ir Pietų Korėjoje, 2007 metų viduryje. Ši rinka žengia priekyje lyginant ją su europos ar Šiaurės Amerikos pažanga šioje srityje.
Manoma, kad dideli kaštai reikalingi sukurti tinkamą infrastruktūrą skirtą mobiliąjai transliacijai gali būti viena iš pagrindinių priežasčių, dėl kurių Europa dar atsilieka nuo Azijos Ramiojo vandenyno srities.
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