In Lithuanian they are called: "umėdė" and in english - "russule".
Also we have found and more valuable mushrooms, they look like these:
In Lithuanian they are called: "baravykas" and in english - "boletus". These mushrooms and others who are related to this one are, I believe, the most desirable catch to every picker.
Generally speaking, edible mushrooms are used extensively in cooking, in many ciusines. However, a number of species of mushrooms are poisonous, and although some may resemble edible varieties, eating them could be fatal. Thats why we tried to pick only the ones that we knew are edible.
The process of picking mushrooms is useful and in other meens, not only the fact that you find them. Also it is very useful to be in a fresh air, breathe it.
If you are interested to know much more about picking mushrooms you may check these links, they might be useful:
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