21 of May…early morning. Poland road again let us to stand on it :) but they are so narrow that on rainy day it is not pleasant to be there. :) but… quite soon one car stopped. Strange driver told that he is going to Lodz … It was ok for us, but we didn't wanted to get inside the city or too near to it…But this driver didn't speak in English at all.. and no Russian… And we both I were tired after last night… now we felt a relief. Vilma wanted to take a nap so I was responsible to do not miss place to step out. In the beginning everything was ok.. but then he was not speaking and music played and I also was tired so my eyes time by time were closing … but some alarm inside was working and I was opening them again… but it was like to fight with wind…. One blink was longer… I open my eyes and don't understand in which place we are now… if I missed or not… it is time to step out or not… I tried to ask him, but … :) … I was looking in the signs… but at the moment there was none of them… I just understood that we are quite near the Lodz.. the driver changed some roads… it was not highway anymore… it was like a village road… damn it… where are we? But I noticed trucks … and with Lithuanian numbers. I decided it is better to leave this car now. I asked him to stop in petrol station. I used some sign language because for him “petrol station “ meant nothing :) We were near Lodz but exactly where I couldn't tell to Vilma. …It was good place, because after few minutes one Lithuanian truck driver stopped. First Lithuanian driver in all trip. Strange and together glad. It made to feel us one leg at home :) he said that he will go to Vilnius but tomorrow.. we couldn't wait so long so we traveled till he needed to stop for sleep. It was really funny to listen how Lithuanian people were talking on radio. They have good sense of humor …
Next driver was polish with his wife. He was not so good looking but she was really pretty. They had new shiny car and listened a good music. We chatted a little bit with driver… But he was driving like a maniac.. He was studying in Vilnius for a while and liked it … also he liked Klaipeda… Well good that at all polish people like our country and people. :) He let us in a bus stop… because rain was going to start… But we decided to walk a little bit into better position. And soon other Lithuanian driver took us. He was different like others… he was almost not swearing even while talking with other drivers. He told something about their job, about salary and family…Oh and truck drivers know and create lot of jokes about Polish drivers. It is really funny and it makes sense :)…but we felt with him like with our father. Getting to the border of Lithuania he said he is afraid to go with two passengers so I went to his friends truck. Interesting that person asked me how mane bullshit first one told to us. :)
Well first meters in Lithuania… woohoo! Finally…but in first petrol station drivers stopped. We should go to Riga. Vilma askedto to visit her. We stood and said if after 10 minutes no one stops so we will go to get some dinner :) but one nice car stopped. Nice young man said he is going to Riga :) Can you imagine our surprise and happiness? :) He was Latvian…Vilma was studying in Riga so she knew some Latvian language so they spoke in Latvian… so I was sitting in the back and couldn't hear everything and I am not talking about understanding :) so I slept… latter he was so friendly and took for us some food and also chocolate cookies. Mmm… smirk…he knows what girls likes :) Vilma told me later that he is almost 30 but looks like 24 :) and that he is single and want to have someone for whom could buy everything, with whom could go on holidays and so on :) so I guess that is why he was mindful. ..it was midnight then he let us in Vilmas student house yard. As it is in Latvia the most popular site is draugiem.lv (what in Lithuania is called frype.lt ) so we changed our information and said good buy.
To stay at Vilmas place was not so easy. I needed to climb through the window :) damn it was high… I was half in inside and half outside then abnormal laugh caught me :) but I didn't fell down… somehow with Vilmas help I appeared inside. :) We met some friend from university. It was so lovely. But all of us were tired so decided to chat latter on next day.
It was so good to sleep in bed. Mmmmm… Heh.. we looked brown… sunbathing was successful .
O Friday 22 of may Vilma took me to her favorite pub. We danced and chat with new people and our friends. Was great night out. I met two Latvian guys who is playing in one band.. but that kind of music I don't listen so I didn't knew them :) they told that 23 day they are going to Klaipeda to play in one pub and said that maybe could take me :) but later I got message that they are sorry but car is full. That's ok in Sunday morning 24 there was cheep bus to Joniškis from where to Kaunas. It was strange to sit in a bus and sleep without worrying that you might miss something important. Then I stepped out of a bus in Kaunas the rain started…but not simple rain but with ice …. God, why I came here :) everywhere sun was shining and here rain… :) but exam session was waiting for me.
Taip ir galvojau, kad dar kažkas turi būti :)
tai aisku - pats svarbiausias dalykas -eurotripo zemeeeelapis :>
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