Extremelly warm weather
Today is one of the most warm spring's days, here in Lithuania, as I can remember. I quess everyone is spending there free time somewhere outdoors.
According to weather forecast today we are having about +22 degrees C. But for the real the temperature is a bit higher on the sun...
Maybe this is the main reason, why today's traffic is so small. We had just about 12 visits today so far.
"quess" i liked that word :)
ach.. we have such nice days! And still I must work with my thesis..
Instead i would like to play with my baby, to try to make order in my room, to write a few posts, to drink a cup of coffe without thinking about my studies.
ir vis tik kai geras oras, lengviau mokytis.. tada buna geresne nuotaika, ir ne viskas taip niuru... ir tos laisvos akimirkos, kai grizineji namo is paskaitu tampa tokios malonios...
zinoma, gaila, kad tokias grazias dienas praleidi prie kompo, kad negali ramia sazine dziaugtis malonumais...
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