Me alegra que te gustara. Y Mildaite, seguro que no soy mucho mayor que tú, de hecho estoy en lo que se llama juventud, así que tutéame y no me trates de usted, que me suena raro. Gracias por anticipado :)
Ichigiku.:) Here is no secret. If I had one, I would not reveal it :) honestly :) I have a copybook where I write thought which I like while reading a book, or watching TV. Now I just open it and read. If I like one I am publishing. :) But instant will come a day then my copybook wan. Then I'll try to make my oun sentences :)
mildaite, thanks for sharing:)) I'm looking forward to hear new thougts;) I also used to write some sentences from books I read... but I don't remember when i read last book (I mean not for my studies:D)
A.Gova, agradable encontrar su comentario aquí otra vez:) pero este vez no podría entender de la segunda oración: ( si no estoy a la derecha tan satisfágame correcto. ¿Usted quisiera que aquí sería una traducción en español? :) ¿o más nuestros comentarios en su blog? :)
Oh...I think I am not reading, but I just looked back and cuonted abuot 3 books I read this year. I meen school year. :) But I am misseg such reading were at school...when we all were discusing abuot what we read and how we understand that. ...
will you say your secret how you choose the sentence of the day?
Me alegra que te gustara. Y Mildaite, seguro que no soy mucho mayor que tú, de hecho estoy en lo que se llama juventud, así que tutéame y no me trates de usted, que me suena raro. Gracias por anticipado :)
Ichigiku.:) Here is no secret. If I had one, I would not reveal it :) honestly :) I have a copybook where I write thought which I like while reading a book, or watching TV. Now I just open it and read. If I like one I am publishing. :) But instant will come a day then my copybook wan. Then I'll try to make my oun sentences :)
mildaite, thanks for sharing:)) I'm looking forward to hear new thougts;)
I also used to write some sentences from books I read... but I don't remember when i read last book (I mean not for my studies:D)
A.Gova, agradable encontrar su comentario aquí otra vez:) pero este vez no podría entender de la segunda oración: ( si no estoy a la derecha tan satisfágame correcto. ¿Usted quisiera que aquí sería una traducción en español? :) ¿o más nuestros comentarios en su blog? :)
Oh...I think I am not reading, but I just looked back and cuonted abuot 3 books I read this year. I meen school year. :) But I am misseg such reading were at school...when we all were discusing abuot what we read and how we understand that. ...
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