Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New ideas and products in mobile sphere for journalists

Mobile phones giant pays some attention to journalism. Nokia Research Center and Reuters are working together on a mobile journalism project that could transform the way journalists file news reports when on the move.
According to slashphone, the new mobile application is the first project to be showcased from a long term research collaboration that has been established between Nokia Research Center (NRC) and Reuters. It centres around a lightweight toolkit that provides everything journalists need to file and publish stories from even the most remote regions of the world.
Slashphone says that, the mobile journalism application uses the multimedia capabilities already available in existing smart phones and combines these to produce a toolkit that fits intuitively with the way in which journalists want to use it. The toolkit comprises multimedia capabilities, text editing tools and live video streaming and is accessed using an innovative user interface. Metadata facilities automatically combine every piece of information the device already has about the context for the story - location, time, date and so on.

*Nokia ir Reuters bendradarbiavimas

Mobiliųjų telefonų gamybos gigantas Nokia bendradarbiauja su Reuters naujame mobiliojo žurnalizmo projekte, manoma, kad šis projektas gali pakeisti tai, kaip ruošiami žurnalistiniai projektai nuotoliniu būdu.

Naujas mobilusis taikymas "gimęs" šio bendradarbiavimo metu, pristatomas kaip lengvai naudojamų įrankių visuma. Sakoma, kad ji turi viską ko reikia norin žurnalistui paruošti ir patalpinti straipsnį net iš atokiausio žemės kampelio.
Mobiliajam žurnalizmui skirta aplikacija naudoja multimedijos galimybes, kurias turi praktiškai daugelis sumaniųjų telefonų. Pateikiama tokia šių galimybių ir priemonių kombinacija, kuri gali būti labiausiai tinkama žurnalistui.

Source: slashphone

Ar tikrai patogu naudotis tokiu įtaisu, tai jau kitas klausimas... :)

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