Friday, September 29, 2006

Day Trip To Trakai

It was friday (15th of September), we didn't have classes and still good weather!!! So, we decided to have a trip to small town Trakai which is near our current capital. As I mentioned Trakai was very small town, but it's so lovely! Trakai is the old capital (medieval time) and it has wonderful castle!
In my opinion, it would be better to use less words and more pictures! Please, take a look;)

Our trip starded on the train. We had one person among us, who had the very first jurney by train!!!:) He liked it so much!

When we finally arrived to trakai, we were so hungry. So we went to restaurant of traditional Karaites dishes. It was really really good;)

There is a street, where the karaites have been living since the Grand Duke Vytautas (14th century) brought them to Trakai from Crimea. They used to be servant in the castle and Vytautas's bodyguards. This street has distinctive architecture of Karaites.

The old gate in front of the building of Karaites cult (Kenessa)

And finally we have castle!!! It's the only castle of island in East Europe. It is surrounding by lakes.

We are bigger than the castle! hehe.. All together we travelled to trakai that day.

It's me! balancing on the edge..

So nice to touch the ground;)

You can buy some souveniers here...

Trying to climb on the wall hehe

Me again...

While waiting bus to go home in the super market. Baby was tired...


For the first time you can see how Pelene looks like :)

Thanks for visiting our blog and especially for feedback of yours.

I hope in future we will have more discussions here.

Enjoy yourself;)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

An old map

Adding some colors to the blog. I found one historicaly interesting map. Here is a copy of an old map I found on the internet the other night. It is interesting, because here you can see what was Europe like in around 1500. Countries names and there possitions on the map are I would say different from now a days.
One more interesting thing is that it is possible o see that Lithuania is so big, that it reaches even the black see.
Take a look at it:

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Sometimes it seems that it's more easy to live without believing in God. There are so many prohibitions, laws and duties, which it's not only hard to follow, but also sometimes it's hard to understand why it must be like that (for example contraception). An infidel just does what he/she wants and doesn't care about anything. An catholic has a lot of dilemmas.
Besides, it seems that an average human being never can be sure what is wrong and what is right. When you have a doubt it's better to ask to someone who is competent to answer. But sometimes you have no idea that something is wrong to do. For example, to make some kind of yoga. But the worst is that there are some cases when there is no opportunity to repair guilt despite you did something without knowing that it's bad to do.
Just imagine the situation. You are in love with a Muslim, a Buddhist or a person from other religiuos. And firstly you had a marriage according to religious traditions of your partner. Later you want to have a marriage in catholic church (because without it you can't live allowedly with a person you love). And for the first time you hear that it's impossible, because you have already married in the tample of other confession. So, what to do in this case?
It was just a few and I believe very subjective examples. But what I want to say is that theology and canon law are really complicated thing. It's really hard to follow Jesus Christ's teaching. And if you fall in love with somebody of other religion, it's really difficult to find a way to be a good Catholic and to be a correct and fair with a person you love ( I mean that that person wouldn't suffer.)
And one thing more. Is it possible to explain to a free-thinker how much wedding in the church or christening of a baby means to a Catholic? It's quite hard to find any rational arguments to prove it. It's just a feeling that those religiuos sacramentals it's really importan. And I'm not sure if a Catholic can find peace of mind without it...

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Friday evening and one movie

This friday was with an evening movie called "Win a Date With Tad Hamilton!" after some brake. The movie is released in 2004. It's a story about girl living in West Virginia.
Rosalee has a dream to meat someday her big screen ideal Tad Hamilton. Her dream comes true than she wins a contest - the grand prize: a date with Tad Hamilton. This contest was to make some good impresions about Tad Hamilton after his stormy and wild party. After one evening with Rosalee Tad Hamilton decides that he needs to be with her, he thinks that it would be the perfect chance for him to realize his priorities newly. So the big screen actor moves to West Virginia. Rosalee's is hapy with him, but this event becomes into a nightmare for Pete. Pete is Rosalee's friend for 22 years. After all these years he decides that it is time to tell Rosalee that he is in love with her too.
Fortunately Rosalee realize who's love is true in the end of the film. And big screen actor comes home alone.
More about this movie:

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

New updates

That' s true there was some time with no updates in this blog. That is because of some unique events (maybe later I'll write about tham) and because of studies. But today I found some time and even made some new updates to all this blog.
So, today our blog have launched some new features. I think the most important one is that now we have RSS fead. That brings the possibility to all readers to subscribe to this blog and get all the new information from this blog using software for reading syndicated content called a "newsreader". It is one more way to read this blog. According to, atom is a unified publishing standard used for syndication, Syndication means that when you publish your blog, Blogger automatically generates a machine-readable representation of your blog that can be picked up and displayed on other web sites and information aggregation tools.
Also now it is possibility to see how many readers are subscribed to this blog. Unhappily now there is no such readers, but as it is just beginig of this feature I hope that in the future these numbers will be different.
I think that is all the news for this time:).

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Subjective opinion on internet media

i'm sorry for writing in my language, but for the moment i don't have time to translate it...
Internetinė medija lyginant su tradicinėmis medijomis ( knygomis, laikraščiais, audio, video įrašais) yra labai jauna. Nepaisant to, labai sparčiai vystosi, tobulėja, suteikia vis daugiau ir daugiau galimybių vartotojui, ne tik įvairių sričių specialistams, bet ir mėgėjams. Internetinė medija išplečia, papildo, o kartais net suteikia visiškai naujas galimybes vartotojui.
Mano įsitikinimu, pokyčių internetinėje medijoje daugybė, jie vyksta nuolat ir gana sparčiai, todėl visus juos apžvelgti vargu ar įmanoma, ypač ne šios srities specialistui. Tad šis mažas darbelis – subjektyvių pastebėjimų rinkinys apie pokyčius internetinėje medijoje.

Gana naujas reiškinys ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir visame pasaulyje yra internetiniai dienoraščiai, vadinamieji blog‘ai. Jeigu neklystu, pirmieji internetiniai dienoraščiai, tokie, kokius mes juos matome dabar atsirado 2002 metų pradžioje, po antrojo Irako karo. Lietuvoje jie vis labiau populiarėja, jau turim ir lietuviškus internetinius dienoraščius:, (Lietuvos blog'ai viename puslapyje),,, (profesionalus lietuviškas blogas)
Įdomu tai, kad jau daugiau nei metai savo internetinį dienoraštį rašo Vilniaus meras A. Zuokas ( ), kurį jis vadina savo kampu virtualioje erdvėje ir teigia, jog „toks rašymas yra labai asmeninis, netgi intymus dalykas, kuris kita vertus, yra ir viešas aktas.“
Galbūt ne veltui dažnai internetiniai dienoraščiai laikomi internetinėmis šiukšlėmis, tačiau tai puiki galimybė kiekvienam išsakyti savo poziciją, atskleisti savo įžvalgas, pasidalinti gyvenimiška ir profesine patirtimi, vystyti diskusijas aktualiais ir įdomiais klausimais ne tik su draugais ir pažįstamais, bet ir kolegomis bei bendraminčiais iš viso pasaulio. Užmegzti dialogus tarp politikų ir visuomenės (A. Zuoko blog‘as). Blog‘ų puslapiuose galima ne tik rašyti, bet įdėti ir nuotraukas, video/audio siužetus, įvairias aktualias nuorodas.
Žiniasklaidos užduotis yra užtikrinti galimybę pasisakyti kiekvienam, tačiau dėl įvairių priežasčių (dažnai labai objektyvių), tai ne visada įmanoma. Todėl mano nuomone, internetinis dienoraštis gali būti kaip tik ta terpė, kurioje kiekvienas visuomenės narys gali patenkinti poreikį pasisakyti viešai.

Šiandienos žmogus dažnai girdi nuomonę, jog jei tavęs nėra internete, vadinasi tavęs nėra iš viso. Todėl save gerbiančioms įmonėms, organizacijoms, valstybinėms institucijoms jau ne tik privalu turėti savo internetinę svetainę, bet ir labai svarbu, kokia ta svetainė, nes ji vartotojų sąmonėje sukuria organizacijos įvaizdį. Verslo įmonės, valstybinės institucijos, universitetai, įvairiausios organizacijos, netgi muziejai, atskiri politikai – visi, kurie supranta, kokią galią turi internetas, stengiasi sukurti kuo patrauklesnę, modernesnę, funkcionalesnę, patogesnę savo virtualią buveinę – internetinę svetainę.
Galima sakyti vyksta savotiškos lenktynės tarp internetinių svetainių turėtojų. Vartotojus siekiama pritraukti ne tik įspūdinga grafika, bet ir naudinga patraukliai pateikta daugialype informacija (šalia tekstinės informacijos vis daugiau video, audio informacijos), naudingomis nuorodomis, forumais, komentavimo galimybėmis. Taip pat diegiamos technologijos, kad svetaine galėtų pasinaudoti ir neįgalieji ( pav, ). Svetainės lankytojai viliojami ir įvairiais žaidimais, specialiais puslapiais vaikams ( pav, ).
Kuo daugiau lankytojų svetainėje apsilanko, tuo didesnė nauda organizacijai: ji tampa vis labiau žinoma visuomenėje, didesnė tikimybė, kad vartotojas pirks prekę ar paslaugą, didesni reklamos užsakymai ir t.t. ir pan. Internetinė svetainė smarkiai sumažina organizacijos išlaidas teikti informaciją savo klientams/ vartotojams, o taip pat ir gauti grįžtamąjį ryšį iš vartotojų, kas labai naudinga tolimesniam organizacijos vystymuisi.

Tradicinių žiniakslaidos priemonių versijos internete, o taip pat grynai internetinės žiniasklaidos priemonės atveria daug naujų galimybių tiek informavimo priemonei, tiek vartotojui. Internete neribojama erdvė, čia informacija gali būti atnaujinama 24 valandas per parą, puikios informacijos archyvavimo galimybės. Reklama internetinėse priemonėse daug pigesnė. Hipertekstualumas ir daugialypiškumas labai patrauklus bei patogus vartotojui.

Baigdama savo pamąstymus apie internetinės medijos pokyčius noriu pasidalinti labai asmeniška patirtimi. Gyvenimo aplinkybės susiklostė taip, kad štai jau daugiau nei pusantrų metų su savo širdies draugu daugiausia bendraujame virtualiai. Dažnos kelionės ir skambučiai telefonu į užsienio šalį reikalauja itin daug lėšų. Interneto teikiamos galimybės (skype, MSN messenger, el. pastas) leidžia ne tik sutaupyti, bet ir sukurti tiesioginio bendravimo iliuziją – palyginus nebrangūs kompiuterio priedai (mikrofonas, web kamera) įgalina kalbėtis su toli esančiu žmogumi lyg telefonu, matyti jį lyg jis būtų šalia. Žinoma, visa tai negali atstoti buvimo kartu, bet jei nebūtų interneto ir jo teikiamų galimybių...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

秋の色/Autumn Colours

秋の色/Autumn Colours
Generally I love colours in autumn, I mean colourful leaves of trees. But when I saw Japnese autumn, I just fell in love with it!!! It's so bright, so colourful, actually no rain, and warm enough. Just take a look at my pictures and you will see!

Carpet of dried leaves

Autumn in Kyoto

A look between trunks

Boat behind the tree

Dead leaves in river

Colours of leaves, sky and roof

Autumn in mountains

A fan of leaves

Amazing forms

Colours of Osaka

Rainy day

Very bright colours

Friday, September 08, 2006

Social life and social problems

I Hope this post will not stop discussions about internet media, that is interesting one:).
I guess this post will be something like that, but a bit different, because of it's field. It is interesting for me and I am sure for every one else who is not indifferent to social life and social problems.
You are welcome to leave here your thoughts about any social problem you know in your country or around the world. For example, you can say what you think about inequalities of age and the difficulties of caring for growing numbers of elderly in some societies, crime, violence, drugs, problems of education,
environmental problems, population problems... Or any other that I haven't mention here. Or you may describe how do you understend social problem it's self (that could be like definition of it).
So have a nice time discussioning here. And of course have a nice weekend, it's already starting:)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Internet media

Can you share some ideas about internet media?
What are the most dramatic changes in the field of internet media in recent years in your country (technologies, advertising, market, framework of legality, streams of money, availability, etc.) ? In the whole world? Is media on-line more useful, comfortable and available then traditional media (TV, radio, nespapers, books, etc.) ?
It woul be really great to hear you thougts about it :)

Monday, September 04, 2006

First day studying something new

I had a few days without blogging. I was a bit worried about my future studies. Today was my first day having completly different lectures, comparing them with the ones I was used to have earlier. Thank God I had only one lecture today. It's so oddly enough to start studies after summer holiday. So far I can't say is it good or bad, but I already know, that hard work will be necessary and in these studies (I'll try to do everything i can).
I don't know here almost no lecturers. It is hard to predict or so far to understant what are their opinions about various things happening around or what are thier teaching methods. Thank God my good friends specifically this blog member Pelene did a very huge favour for me, telling me some useful info about some lecturers. I say her a very big THANKS, YOU ARE FANTASTICAL :).
Well, I hope everything will be OK :).

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Šventė ar ne?

Kai dar mokiausi mokykloje, rugsejo pirmaja, nepaisant to, kad niekad nelaukdavau nauju mokslo metu pradzios, pasitikdavau kaip svente. Veliau, bestudijuojant universitete, sventiska nuotaika uzsikreciau tik zengiant i pirma kursa.
Gal ir nenuostabu. Nauja vieta, nauji zmones, nauja tvarka - visai nepazistamas pasaulis. O kur dar jaunatviskas pasididziavimas: "Stai, as jau studente!!!" Kiek daug vilciu ir svajoniu tada siejau su universitetu...
Kitas visas studentiskas rugsejo pirmasias pasitikdavau jau be to sventisko jaudulio. Sunku paaiskinti kodel. Gal tiesiog todel, kad ta diena nebereikejo niekur skubeti: paskaitu dar nera, o klases ar auditorijos i kuria susirinktu mokslo draugai jau nebuvo.
O siandien po keleriu metu pertraukos vel buvau itraukta i sventiska surmuli. Ir vis sau kartojau: "Mokomes ar nesimokom, rugsejo pirmoji - visada svente." Nors dar vakar labai skeptiskai klausiausi sveikinimu ir kalbu apie moksleiviu ir studentu svente...
Siryt kaip visad (pastaruosius 10 menesiu) mane prizadino mano mielas garbiniuotas rudaakis vaikutis. Nors paskutine vasaros diena labiau primine darganota rudens diena, siandien akis ir sirdi vel dziugino saules spinduliai. Tada ir prasidejo mano svente.
Nezinau, gal tai paskutinis kartais, kai rugsejo pirmaja pasitinku tebebudama studente. Gal todel saule sugebejo manyje pazadinti svente. O veliau traukiant i miesta sviete ir automobiliu zibintai, ir mokiniu nublizginti batai, ir jaunos mamos vedancios uz ranku savo atzalas.
Matydama savo pasipuosusius draugus, besisypsancius destytojus, ir is spintu istraukusius savo mantijas universiteto vadovus, dziaugiausi ir as. Grupeles draugu, isimylejusios poreles, susikabinusios geriausios drauges ir pirmus zingznius i mokslo aukstumas zengiantys mokinukai, lydimi teveliu (kazkodel beveik vien mamu: ka i tai atsakytu lygiu galimybiu kontroliere?), - visi spinduliavo dziaugsmu ir pasitikejimu. Matydama visus tuos, regis, is visu miesto pakrasciu susibegusius senamiestin ryztingus ponaicius ir pasidabinusias paneles ir panelytes galutinai isitikinau - siandien svente!!!
TAD VISI BUKIT PASVEIKINTI SU RUGSEJO PIRMAJA! Nesvarbu, kas butumet: mokinukas ar studenciokas, mokytojas ar destytojas, pirmokelio mama ar pirmuno senelis, visi mes dedam daug vilciu i musu besimokancia ateiti...